國家 : 法國
產區 : 罗纳河谷
口感 : 得益於整體发酵法,因此有明顯的红色果香(桑椹黑茶藨子果和樱桃),更可以感覺到新釀葡萄酒的味道、濃郁而舒適的單寧酸香、香味辛辣濃烈
享用建議 :羊羔腿肉 ,红色肉類,伴調味汁

Chateauneuf Du Pape La Chapelle St Georges Red Wine 2008

Country: France
Origin:Rhone Valley
Tasting: Due to a vinification with the entiregrapes,mainly aromas of red fruits(blackcurrant,mulberryandcherry),The younger the wine the better perceptible it is、Spicy and peppery aromas、Strong but pleasant tannins
Enjoyrecommendations: collocationRed meats with sauces,Lamb Leg

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