+853-2870 0220
+853-2870 0308
國家 : 法國
產區 : 聖愛美濃
口感 : 美麗的櫻桃色、葡萄酒充滿了濃郁的果香松露和櫻桃的香味
享用建議 :具有柔顺的單寧口味的軟红水果 ,香料和松露
奬項:2011 Blaye 金奬
2010 Blaye 铜奬
GRMLussac Saint –Emilion Bordeaux 2011
Country: France
Origin: Saint – Emilion
Tasting: Beautiful cherry color、The wine has fullfruit– flavored truffles and cherry flavor
Enjoyrecommendations: collocationa wine has smooth tannins and fruit – flavored truffles
Awards:Gold medal Blaye 2011
Bronze medal Blaye 2010