國家 : 法國
產區: 波爾多
口感 : 這支酒有鲜明,令人驚喜的氣质、酒體飽滿,新鲜黑醋栗的味道下带有草莓的芳香,烘烤香料和草本的香氣质感十足、入口絲滑柔顺,單寧口感良好
享用建議 :搭配烤肉 ,烧羊扒 ,煎牛仔骨 ,蓝菌乳酪 ,牛肉或烤鷄相佐十分適宜

Château Croix St Vincent 2008 Pomerol

Country: France
Tasting:This wins has bright , amazing temperament、Full- bodied , fresh currant and strawberry aroma combining with the roastedflavours and herbal texture 、Tannins are bitter but well established 、
Enjoyrecommendations: collocationbarbeque , lamb chop , fry beef ribs , blue cheese , beef or roasted chicken

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